Source code for src.matrix

.. module:: matrix
   :synopsis: This module implements the Matrix, HistoneModification and Hic classes.

# Third-party modules
import csv
import math as m
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
import pandas as pd
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from scipy import stats

[docs]class Matrix: """ .. class:: Matrix This class stores a matrix and different related numpy array, plots and writes this matrix. Attributes: resolution (int): Resolution (or bin size) of the matrix chrom_num (int): Chromosome chosen for processing side (int): Square side of a numpy array sub-matrix matrix (numpy array): Matrix stored in a numpy array sub_matrices (numpy array): The matrix is divided into S sub-matrices of size side*side and stored in a numpy array of shape (X, side, side, 1) white_sub_matrices_ind (list): Position of the blank sub-matrices total_sub_matrices (int): Total number of sub-matrices latent_spaces (numpy array): Latent spaces (encoded sub-matrices) stored in a numpy array predicted_sub_matrices (numpy array): Predicted sub_matrices (decoded latent spaces) stored in a numpy array """ def __init__(self, resolution, chrom_num, side): self.resolution = resolution self.chrom_num = chrom_num self.side = side self.matrix = None self.sub_matrices = None self.white_sub_matrices_ind = None self.total_sub_matrices = None self.latent_spaces = None self.predicted_sub_matrices = None
[docs] def set_sub_matrices(self): """ Divide the matrix into S sub-matrices of size side*side. The empty sub-matrices (sum(values)==0) are removed from the data set. The S resulted sub-matrices are stored in a numpy array of shape (X, side, side, 1). """ white_ind = [] # Index of the white sub-matrices are stored in a list k = 0 sub_matrices_list = [] for i in range(0, self.matrix.shape[1], self.side): for j in range(0, self.matrix.shape[1], self.side): sub_matrix = self.matrix[i:i+self.side, j:j+self.side] # We do not want sub-matrix with a size different than side*side if sub_matrix.shape != (self.side, self.side): break # The empty sub-matrices are not taking into account if sub_matrix.sum() != 0: sub_matrices_list.append(sub_matrix) else: white_ind.append(k) k += 1 sub_matrices = np.array(sub_matrices_list) # The number of sub-matrices is calculated automatically by using -1 in the first field sub_matrices = sub_matrices.reshape(-1, self.side, self.side, 1) self.white_sub_matrices_ind = white_ind self.total_sub_matrices = k self.sub_matrices = sub_matrices
[docs] def set_predicted_latent_spaces(self, latent_spaces): """ Set the latent spaces predicted by the encoder. Args: latent_spaces(numpy array): The predicted latent_spaces """ for ind in range(self.total_sub_matrices): if ind in self.white_sub_matrices_ind: latent_spaces = np.insert(latent_spaces, ind, 0, axis=0) self.latent_spaces = latent_spaces
[docs] def set_predicted_sub_matrices(self, predicted_sub_matrices): """ Set the sub-matrices predicted by the whole autoencoder. Args: predicted_sub_matrices(numpy array): The predicted sub-matrices """ for ind in range(self.total_sub_matrices): if ind in self.white_sub_matrices_ind: predicted_sub_matrices = np.insert(predicted_sub_matrices, ind, 0, axis=0) self.predicted_sub_matrices = predicted_sub_matrices
[docs] def write_sparse_matrix(self, matrix_type, path): """ The reconstructed and predicted Hi-C matrix is saved in a sparse matrix file. Args: matrix_type(str): Matrix's name path(str): Path of the output """ # Creation of the sparse matrix sparse = coo_matrix(self.matrix) with open('{}/{}_true.bed'.format(path, matrix_type), 'w') as file: writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter='\t') writer.writerows(zip(['chr'+str(self.chrom_num)]*len(sparse.row), sparse.row*self.resolution, sparse.col*self.resolution,
[docs] def plot_matrix(self, matrix_type, color_map, path): """ The matrix is plotted in a file. Args: matrix_type(str): Matrix's name color_map(matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap): Color map path(str): Path of the output plot """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) axes = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') img = axes.matshow(self.matrix, cmap=color_map) divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2%", pad=0.15) plt.colorbar(img, cax=cax) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0, right=0.95, top=0.91, wspace=0, hspace=0) axes.set_title('True chr{} {} matrix'.format(self.chrom_num, matrix_type), fontsize=25) axes.axis('off') fig.savefig('{}/{}_true.pdf'.format(path, matrix_type)) plt.close()
[docs] def plot_distribution_matrix(self, matrix_type, path): """ Plot the distribution of the matrix. Args: matrix_type(str): Matrix's name path(str): Path of the output plot """ plt.hist(self.matrix.reshape(-1), 1000) plt.suptitle("{} distribution".format(matrix_type)) plt.savefig('{}/{}_true_distrib.pdf'.format(path, matrix_type)) plt.close()
[docs] def plot_sub_matrices(self, matrix_type, index_list, color_map, path): """ 40 random sub-matrices are plotted in a file. Args: matrix_type(str): Matrix's name index_list(list): List of the 40 sub-matrix indexes to plot color_map(matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap): Color map path(str): Path of the output plot """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 10, figsize=(24, 11)) fig.suptitle('True chr{} {} sub-matrices'.format(self.chrom_num, matrix_type), fontsize=20) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, right=0.98, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) i = 0 for axe, index in zip(axes.flat, self.sub_matrices[index_list, ..., 0]): axe.imshow(index, cmap=color_map) axe.set_title("submatrix n°{}".format(index_list[i])) axe.axis('off') i += 1 plt.savefig('{}/submatrices_{}_true.pdf'.format(path, matrix_type)) plt.close()
[docs]class HistoneMark(Matrix): """ .. class:: HistoneModification This class inherits the Matrix class and set the matrix numpy array for a histone mark. Attributes: mark_df (Pandas Dataframe): Histone modification sparse matrix """ def __init__(self, bed_file, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mark_df = pd.read_csv(bed_file, sep='\t', header=None) self.mark_df.columns = ['chr', 'base_1', 'base_2', 'value'] self.mark_df = self.mark_df[self.mark_df['chr'] == 'chr'+str(self.chrom_num)]
[docs] def set_matrix(self): """ Set the histone modification numpy array of the chromosome chrom_num. The values of the matrix are converted in float32 and rescaled by log10 and normalized. """ data = self.mark_df.value*100 # data = data - 1 # base_1 and base_2 columns must be converted to index by dividing by the resolution number # This step is necesary for the creation of the sparse matrix with scipy.sparse row = ((self.mark_df.base_1 / self.resolution)).astype(int) col = ((self.mark_df.base_2 / self.resolution)).astype(int) # Creation of the sparse matrix and conversion into a numpy array size = int(max(max(self.mark_df['base_2']), max(self.mark_df['base_1'])) / self.resolution) matrix = coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(size+1, size+1)).toarray() # Conversion into float32 matrix = np.float32(matrix) # Log scale to visualize better the matrix in plot # matrix = np.log10(matrix+1) # Rescaling of the values in range 0-1 (min-max scaling method) matrix = (matrix - matrix.min()) / (matrix.max() - matrix.min()) self.matrix = matrix
[docs]class Hic(Matrix): """ .. class:: Hic This class inherits the Matrix class and set the matrix numpy array for a Hi-C data. Attributes: cooler (cooler): Storage of the Hi-C matrix """ def __init__(self, cooler, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.cooler = cooler
[docs] def calculate_cum_length(self): """ Calculates and returns the cumulated length from chromosome 1 to N. Returns: Pandas DataFrame: Informations on chromosomes, their length and cumulated length """ chroms = self.cooler.chroms()[:] cum_length = [] for i, size in enumerate(list(chroms.length)): if i == 0: cum_length.append(size) else: cum_length.append(size + cum_length[i-1]) chroms['cum_length'] = cum_length return chroms
[docs] def set_matrix(self): """ Set the Hi-C numpy array of the chromosome chrom_num. The matrix is transformed into an upper triangular matrix and the values are converted in float32 and rescaled by log10 and normalized. """ chroms = self.calculate_cum_length() if self.chrom_num == 1: bin_1 = 0 else: bin_1 = m.floor(chroms[self.chrom_num-2:self.chrom_num-1]['cum_length']/self.resolution) bin_2 = m.ceil(chroms[self.chrom_num-1:self.chrom_num]['cum_length']/self.resolution) # Creation of the sparse matrix and conversion into a numpy array matrix = self.cooler.matrix(balance=False, sparse=True)[bin_1:bin_2, bin_1:bin_2].toarray() # The matrix is symetric then we keep only the upper triangular matrix matrix = np.triu(matrix) # Conversion into float32 matrix = np.float32(matrix) # Log scale to visualize better the matrix in plot matrix = np.log10(matrix+1) # Rescaling of the values in range 0-1 # (min-max scaling method) # matrix = 2.0*np.sqrt(matrix + 3.0/8.0) # stats.boxcox(matrix) matrix = (matrix - matrix.min()) / (matrix.max() - matrix.min()) self.matrix = matrix