Source code for src.interpolation

.. module:: Interpolation
   :synopsis: This module implements the Interpolation class.

# Third-party modules
import csv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable

[docs]class Interpolation: """ .. class:: Interpolation This class groups attributes and functions which aim to construct, write in a sparse matrix and plot two or several interpolated matrices. Attributes: alphas (list): List of float values to use for the interpolation (alpha parameter) interpolated_submatrices (list): List of all the interpolated sub-matrices. Each item in the list contains an interpolation with a different alpha. integrated_matrix (list): List of all the integrated (interpolated) reconstructed matrices. Each item in the list contains an interpolation with a different alpha. """ def __init__(self, alphas): self.alphas = alphas self.interpolated_submatrices = [] self.integrated_matrix = []
[docs] def construct_integrated_matrix(self, hic): """ Construction of the whole integrated matrices from the interpolated sub-matrices. Args: hic(Hic(Matrix) object): Hi-C matrix """ line_limit = int(hic.matrix.shape[0] / hic.side) integrated_matrix_list = [] for _, matrix in enumerate(self.interpolated_submatrices): nb_sub_matrices = 1 for ind in range(hic.total_sub_matrices): sub_matrix = matrix[ind] if nb_sub_matrices == line_limit: # The current line is concatenated with the previous lines try: line = np.concatenate((line, sub_matrix), axis=1) integrated_matrix = np.concatenate((integrated_matrix, line), axis=0) except NameError: integrated_matrix = line nb_sub_matrices = 1 del line else: # A new sub-matrix is concatenated with the current line try: line = np.concatenate((line, sub_matrix), axis=1) except NameError: line = sub_matrix nb_sub_matrices += 1 integrated_matrix_list.append(integrated_matrix.reshape(integrated_matrix.shape[0], integrated_matrix.shape[1])) del integrated_matrix self.integrated_matrix = integrated_matrix_list
[docs] def write_predicted_sparse_matrix(self, hic, path, threshold=0.0001): """ The integrated matrices are saved in sparse matrix files for each alpha value. Args: hic(Hic(Matrix) object): Hi-C matrix path(str): Path of the output threshold(float): The values under the threshold will be set to 0 """ for i, integrated_matrix in enumerate(self.integrated_matrix): # Prediction under threshold value are set to 0 # matrix[matrix < threshold] = 0 # Creation of the sparse matrix sparse = coo_matrix(integrated_matrix) with open('{}/integrated_{}.bed'.format(path, i), 'w') as file: writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter='\t') writer.writerows(zip(['chr'+str(hic.chrom_num)]*len(sparse.row), sparse.row*hic.resolution, sparse.col*hic.resolution,
[docs] def plot_integrated_matrix(self, hic, color_map, path): """ The integrated matrices are plotted for each alpha value. Args: hic(Hic(Matrix) object): Hi-C matrix color_map(matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap): Color map path(str): Path of the output plot """ for i, integrated_matrix in enumerate(self.integrated_matrix): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) axes = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') img = axes.matshow(integrated_matrix, cmap=color_map) divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="2%", pad=0.15) plt.colorbar(img, cax=cax) plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, bottom=0, right=0.95, top=0.91, wspace=0, hspace=0) axes.set_title('Integrated matrix (chr{}, resolution={}, alpha={})'\ .format(hic.chrom_num, hic.resolution, self.alphas[i]), fontsize=25) axes.axis('off') fig.savefig('{}/integrated_{}.pdf'.format(path, i)) plt.close()
[docs] def plot_interpolated_submatrices(self, hic, index_list, color_map, path): """ 40 random integrated sub-matrices are plotted for each alpha value. Args: hic(Hic(Matrix) object): Hi-C matrix index_list(list): List of the 40 sub-matrix indexes to plot color_map(matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap): Color map path(str): Path of the output plot """ for k, interpolated_submatrix in enumerate(self.interpolated_submatrices): fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 10, figsize=(24, 11)) fig.suptitle('Integrated sub-matrices (chr{}, resolution={}, alpha={})'\ .format(hic.chrom_num, hic.resolution, self.alphas[k]), fontsize=20) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, right=0.98, wspace=0.3, hspace=0.4) i = 0 for axe, index in zip(axes.flat, interpolated_submatrix[index_list, ..., 0]): axe.imshow(index, cmap=color_map) axe.set_title("submatrix n°{}".format(index_list[i])) axe.axis('off') i += 1 plt.savefig('{}/interpolated_submatrices_{}.pdf'.format(path, k)) plt.close()
[docs]class NormalInterpolation(Interpolation): """ .. class:: InterpolationInLatentSpace This class inherits the Interpolation class and interpolate sub-matrices in the pixel space (= without the use of encoder and decoder). Attributes: alphas (list): List of float values to use for the interpolation (alpha parameter) interpolated_submatrices (list): List of all the interpolated sub-matrices. Each item in the list contains an interpolation with a different alpha. integrated_matrix (list): List of all the integrated (interpolated) reconstructed matrices. Each item in the list contains an interpolation with a different alpha. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def interpolate_predicted_img(self, hist_marks, predicted_hic): """ Double linear interpolation of the predicted sub-matrices of the Hi-C and histone marks. Args: hist_marks(dict): Dictionary containing all histone mark HistoneMark objects. predicted_hic(numpy array): Predicted sub-matrices of the Hi-C """ for hist_mark in hist_marks.values(): try: predicted_hm += (hist_mark.predicted_sub_matrices * (1/len(hist_marks))) except NameError: predicted_hm = (hist_mark.predicted_sub_matrices * (1/len(hist_marks))) for alpha in self.alphas: self.interpolated_submatrices.append(predicted_hic*(1-alpha) + predicted_hm*alpha)
[docs]class InterpolationInLatentSpace(Interpolation): """ .. class:: InterpolationInLatentSpace This class inherits the Interpolation class and interpolate sub-matrices in the latent space """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.interpolated_ls = []
[docs] def interpolate_latent_spaces(self, hist_marks, hic_latent_spaces): """ Double linear interpolation of the latent spaces of the Hi-C and histone marks. Args: hist_marks(dict): Dictionary containing all histone mark HistoneMark objects. predicted_hic(numpy array): Predicted sub-matrices of the Hi-C """ for hist_mark in hist_marks.values(): try: hm_latent_spaces += (hist_mark.latent_spaces * (1/len(hist_marks))) except NameError: hm_latent_spaces = (hist_mark.latent_spaces * (1/len(hist_marks))) for alpha in self.alphas: self.interpolated_ls.append(hic_latent_spaces*(1-alpha) + hm_latent_spaces*alpha)
[docs] def set_decoded_latent_spaces(self, decoder, side): """ The interpolated latent spaces are decoded. Args: decoder(keras model object): Hi-C matrix side(int): Square side """ for _, latent_spaces in enumerate(self.interpolated_ls): decoded_ls = np.array(np.zeros(shape=(latent_spaces.shape[0], side, side, 1))) for i, ls in enumerate(latent_spaces): if ls.sum() == 0: continue decoded_ls[i] = decoder.predict(ls.reshape(1, ls.shape[0], ls.shape[1], ls.shape[2])) self.interpolated_submatrices.append(decoded_ls)